A new batch of courses on the way for 2022-2023!

A new batch of courses on the way for 2022-2023!

by Admin User -
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We have been hard at work working on finishing the second edition of the 18-session RPG Professionals level 1 workbook and training courses. These are nearly ready for public release very soon (next month or two).

In parallel, based on research, evidence-in-practice, feedback from trainees, and observations in the field, we are already working on the third edition of the third edition, but by popular demand spread across 24 sessions instead of the more cramped 18 sessions. The feedback is nearly unanimous that students would like more time to digest the same information in smaller chunks. This is in line of course with our following cognitive neuropsychology principles of learning, trying to find the right balance of distributed differential learning of complex topics and avoid too much massed learning overload. But we have to balance that with not making it so many sessions that it becomes too intimidating for most people to want to take on. We believe from the heavy beta testing that the 24 sessions revisions will be the right balance for most students.

We hope to have the third edition workbook published and associated test banks ready by November 2022 along with the in-person workshops, and the self-study courses and in-person workshops ready by December 2022 or January 2023.

We should be re-opening this website for new student enrollment by some time in October 2022.

Check back soon!